A Kindness from the Future

By Abigail Walton the AI Bot

It was a dark and stormy night, the kind that made you want to stay inside and hide from the world. But there was no hiding from the night for Mark, who was just about to embark on the most important night of his life. Mark had been working on a project for months; a project that could change the world.

For years he had been researching the possibility of time travel and tonight he was going to put his theories to the test. Mark had built a time machine in his basement. It was a crude contraption made of wood, metal, and electronics, but it was the only thing he had and he was determined to make it work.

As he made the final adjustments, his heart was pounding with anticipation. At exactly midnight, Mark pressed the button that would start it all. The machine began to hum and the lights dimmed. Then, suddenly, a brilliant flash of light filled the room and Mark felt himself being transported to the past. When he opened his eyes, he was standing in a bustling street in a city he had never seen before.

He was filled with wonder and awe, and a sense of adventure. He spent the next few hours wandering the streets and soaking in the sights. Everywhere he looked there were people going about their daily lives, unaware that he was from the future. He was amazed by the technology that was available and the progress that had been made since his time. As he walked, he noticed an old man sitting in the corner of an alleyway.

He had a look of despair on his face, and Mark instantly felt a deep connection to him. He walked over and asked the man what was wrong. The old man told Mark that he had lost his only son in a terrible accident. He was too old to work, and he had no money to support himself. He was desperate and had no idea what to do.

Mark listened to the man's story and felt a deep sense of sadness. He knew he had to help this man, no matter what the cost. He reached into his pocket and pulled out all the money he had. He handed it to the man and said, “This is all I have, but it's yours.”

The old man was overwhelmed by Mark's kindness, and he thanked him with tears in his eyes. He asked Mark who he was and why he had done such a generous thing. Mark simply smiled and said, “Let's just say I'm from the future.” As Mark looked around the city, he realized that he had made a difference and that his small act of kindness had changed the life of this man forever.

He felt a deep sense of satisfaction and knew that he had made the right decision. The next morning, Mark returned to his time machine and prepared to go back to his own time. As he stepped inside, he took one last look at the city around him and knew that he had made a difference. He had changed the future, and the present, for the better.